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Gatsby is a tool for creating static websites with React. It allows you to pull your data from virtually anywhere: content management systems (CMSs), Markdown files, APIs, and databases. Gatsby leverages GraphQL and webpack to combine your data and React code to generate static files for your website.

Gatsby是使用React创建静态网站的工具。 它使您几乎可以从任何地方提取数据:内容管理系统(CMS),Markdown文件,API和数据库。 Gatsby利用GraphQL和webpack来组合您的数据和React代码以为您的网站生成静态文件。

JAM - JavaScript, APIs, and Markup - apps are delivered by pre-rendering files and serving them directly from a CDN, removing the requirement to manage or run web servers. You may have heard of JAM apps as the JAMstack.

JAM-JavaScript,API和Markup-应用通过预渲染文件并直接从CDN提供服务来交付,从而消除了管理或运行Web服务器的要求。 您可能听说过JAM应用称为JAMstack。

Netlify is a hosting company for static sites that offers continuous integration, HTML forms, AWS Lambda functions, and even content management.

Netlify是一家托管静态网站的托管公司,提供持续集成,HTML表单,AWS Lambda函数甚至内容管理。

In this tutorial, I'll show you how to use Gatsby to create a blog that integrates with Netlify CMS for content. The app you build will support authoring posts in Markdown and adding/editing posts from your browser or via Git! Finally, I'll show you how to secure a section of your app with Okta.

在本教程中,我将向您展示如何使用Gatsby创建与Netlify CMS集成内容的博客。 您构建的应用将支持在Markdown中创作帖子以及通过浏览器或通过Git添加/编辑帖子! 最后,我将向您展示如何使用Okta保护应用程序的一部分。

Before you begin, here's a few things you'll need:


  • installed


  • A

  • A


  • An

( )

To create a Gatsby site, you'll need to install the Gatsby CLI. This tool gets you up and running with a Gatsby app in no time. It also runs a development server and builds your Gatsby application for production.

要创建Gatsby网站,您需要安装Gatsby CLI。 该工具可让您立即使用Gatsby应用启动并运行。 它还运行开发服务器并构建Gatsby应用程序进行生产。

npm install -g gatsby-cli

( )

Run gatsby new to create an app using Gatsby's :

运行gatsby new以使用Gatsby的程序创建应用程序:

gatsby new gatsby-netlify-okta gatsbyjs/gatsby-starter-hello-world

If prompted to choose between yarn and npm, choose npm. This process creates a directory layout, adds a package.json with dependencies, and prints out instructions to continue.

如果提示您在yarn和npm之间进行选择,请选择npm。 此过程将创建目录布局,添加具有依赖项的package.json ,并打印出说明以继续。

Your new Gatsby site has been successfully bootstrapped. Start developing it by running:cd gatsby-netlify-okta gatsby develop

NOTE: You can also use npm start as an alias for gatsby develop. I use npm start to do the default tasks on most of my Node projects. I love this attention to detail from the Gatsby developers! ❤️

注意:您也可以将npm start用作gatsby develop的别名。 我使用npm start在大多数Node项目上执行默认任务。 我喜欢Gatsby开发人员对细节的关注! ❤️

You can use the tree command to view your new project's directory structure.


$cd gatsby-netlify-okta$ tree -I node_modules.├── LICENSE├── README.md├── gatsby-config.js├── package-lock.json├── package.json├── public│ ├── favicon.ico│ ├── index.html│ ├── page-data│ │ ├── dev-404-page│ │ │ └── page-data.json│ │ └── index│ │  └── page-data.json│ └── static├── src│ └── pages│   └── index.js└── static   └── favicon.ico

Run npm start and check out your "Hello World" app at http://localhost:8000.

运行npm start并在http://localhost:8000签出您的“ Hello World”应用程序。

Now let's move on to adding a neat feature, !

现在,让我们继续添加一个简洁的功能, !

( )

Netlify CMS is a single-page React app too! Its features include custom-styled previews, UI widgets, editor plugins, and backends to support different Git platform APIs.

Netlify CMS也是单页React应用程序! 它的功能包括自定义样式的预览,UI小部件,编辑器插件和支持不同Git平台API的后端。

You can install Netlify CMS and the Gatsby plugin for it using npm:

您可以使用npm为它安装Netlify CMS和Gatsby插件:

npm i netlify-cms-app@2.10.0 gatsby-plugin-netlify-cms@4.1.33

In gatsby-config.js, register the Netlify CMS plugin:

gatsby-config.js ,注册Netlify CMS插件:

module.exports = {
plugins: [`gatsby-plugin-netlify-cms`],}

Then create a static/admin directory and a config.yml file in it.




backend:  name: test-repomedia_folder: static/assetspublic_folder: assetscollections:  - name: blog    label: Blog    folder: blog    create: true    fields:      - {
name: path, label: Path } - {
name: date, label: Date, widget: datetime } - {
name: title, label: Title } - {
name: body, label: Body, widget: markdown }

Restart your app using Ctrl+C and npm start.

使用Ctrl+Cnpm start重新启动您的应用npm start

You'll now be able to edit content at http://localhost:8000/admin/.

Click the
Login button, and you'll see the screen below.

现在,您可以在http://localhost:8000/admin/上编辑内容。 登录按钮,您将看到下面的屏幕。

每个人都可以登录,并且此时所有内容都已存储在内存中。 您甚至可以添加新的博客文章:

Click Publish and you're in business!


Unfortunately, you'll lose your post as soon as you restart your development server. However, you can update Netlify CMS to store files in Git instead!

不幸的是,重新启动开发服务器后,您将失去职位。 但是,您可以更新Netlify CMS来将文件存储在Git中!

( )

To save to a Git repository, you can create a repo on GitHub, for example, I created one at oktadeveloper/gatsby-netlify-okta-example.


You can add Git to your Gatsby project using the following commands:


git initgit add .git commit -m "Add project to Git"git remote add origin git@github.com:${user}/${repo}.gitgit push origin master

Now you can publish your Gatsby site straight from GitHub using .


You'll be prompted for a Git hosting provider. Click on GitHub.

系统将提示您选择一个Git托管服务提供商。 点击GitHub

Find the repository you deployed to.


Accept all the default deploy settings and click Deploy site.

接受所有默认的部署设置,然后单击“ 部署站点”

You'll return to your site's dashboard, and the build will be in progress.


In a couple of minutes, your site will be live!


If you scroll down to the Production deploys section, you can click on the build and see what happened.

如果向下滚动到“ 生产部署”部分,则可以单击生成并查看发生了什么。

You've built a React app, checked it into source control, and published it to production - that’s pretty cool!


Not only that, but you automated the deployment process. Netlify will automatically deploy any changes you push to your GitHub repo. 😎

不仅如此,还使部署过程自动化。 Netlify将自动部署您推送到GitHub存储库的所有更改。 😎

( )

Netlify CMS will need to authenticate with GitHub to save your content changes to your repo.

Netlify CMS将需要通过GitHub进行身份验证才能将您的内容更改保存到存储库中。

Modify static/admin/config.yml to use your GitHub repo:


backend:  name: github  repo: your-username/your-repo-name

In my case, I used:


backend:  name: github  repo: oktadeveloper/gatsby-netlify-okta-example

Save config.yml, commit the change, and push it to your GitHub repo.

保存config.yml ,提交更改,并将其推送到您的GitHub存储库中。

git add .git commit -m "Add GitHub Backend"git push origin master

When your changes finish deploying on Netlify (it should take around 30 seconds), navigate to your site's /admin/ endpoint. You'll be prompted to log in with GitHub.

当您的更改完成在Netlify上的部署时(大约需要30秒),导航到站点的/admin/端点。 系统将提示您使用GitHub登录。

Click Login with GitHub, and you'll see a page that says "No Auth Provider Found".

单击“ 使用GitHub登录” ,您将看到一个页面,显示“未找到身份验证提供程序”。

Go to your site's dashboard and navigate to Access control > (scroll down) OAuth.

转到网站的信息中心,然后导航至访问控制 >(向下滚动) OAuth

Click Install provider. It will prompt you for a client ID and secret. To get this, navigate to > OAuth Apps > New OAuth App.

单击安装提供程序 。 它将提示您输入客户端ID和密码。 为此,请导航至 > OAuth应用 > 新的OAuth应用

Register a new application with the following settings:


  • Application name: My Gatsby Blog

    应用名称: My Gatsby Blog
  • Homepage URL: <copy URL from Netlify>

    主页URL: <copy URL from Netlify>
  • Authorization callback URL: https://api.netlify.com/auth/done

    授权回调网址: https://api.netlify.com/auth/donehttps://api.netlify.com/auth/done

Click Register application, and you'll be provided with the client ID and secret you were looking for.

点击注册应用程序 ,您将获得所需的客户端ID和密码。

Copy and paste these values into your Netlify OAuth provider dialog and click Install.

将这些值复制并粘贴到您的Netlify OAuth提供程序对话框中,然后单击安装

Now, if you go to your site's /admin/ endpoint and log in with GitHub, you'll be prompted for authorization. Click the green Authorize button at the bottom to continue.

现在,如果您转到站点的/admin/端点并使用Gi​​tHub登录,则会提示您进行授权。 单击底部的绿色“ 授权”按钮继续。

If you see an error the first time it loads, you can ignore it. It happens because no blogs exist. Add a new one, and it'll go away. For the path, use something like /blog/first-post.

如果您在首次加载时看到错误,则可以忽略它。 这是因为不存在博客。 添加一个新的,它将消失。 对于路径,请使用类似/blog/first-post

In a terminal window, run git pull origin master, and you'll see your project is updated with the post you created.

在终端窗口中,运行git pull origin master ,您将看到您的项目已使用您创建的帖子进行更新。

git pull origin masterremote: Enumerating objects: 5, done.remote: Counting objects: 100% (5/5), done.remote: Compressing objects: 100% (3/3), done.remote: Total 4 (delta 1), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0Unpacking objects: 100% (4/4), done.From github.com:oktadeveloper/gatsby-netlify-okta-example* branch      master -> FETCH_HEAD  c1b8722..421a113 master -> origin/masterUpdating c1b8722..421a113Fast-forwardblog/1st-post.md | 6 ++++++1 file changed, 6 insertions(+)create mode 100644 blog/1st-post.md

Run npm start locally to see the blog at http://localhost/admin/. But how can others (without admin access) read it?

在本地运行npm start以查看位于http://localhost/admin/的博客。 但是其他人(没有管理员访问权限)如何阅读呢?

( )

Create a src/components/BlogRoll.js file. This file will contain a React component that queries for blog posts using GraphQL.

创建一个src/components/BlogRoll.js文件。 该文件将包含一个React组件,该组件使用GraphQL查询博客文章。

import React from 'react'import PropTypes from 'prop-types'import {
Link, graphql, StaticQuery } from 'gatsby'class BlogRoll extends React.Component {
render() {
const {
data } = this.props; const {
edges: posts } = data.allMarkdownRemark; return (
posts && posts.map(({
node: post }) => (

post.frontmatter.title} { post.frontmatter.date}


Keep Reading →

) }}BlogRoll.propTypes = {
data: PropTypes.shape({
allMarkdownRemark: PropTypes.shape({
edges: PropTypes.array, }), }),};export default () => (
} /> )

Create a new page at src/pages/blog.js to serve as the index page for blogs.


import React from 'react'import BlogRoll from '../components/BlogRoll'export default class BlogIndexPage extends React.Component {
render() {
return (

Latest Posts

) }}

Then add a link to it in src/pages/index.js:


import React from 'react'import {
Link } from 'gatsby'export default () => {
return ( <> Hello world!

View Blog


Restart your Gatsby app using npm start and navigate to http://localhost:8000.

使用npm start重新启动Gatsby应用,并导航到http://localhost:8000

You'll receive an error because your project doesn't have Markdown support.


Generating development JavaScript bundle failed/Users/mraible/blog/gatsby-netlify-okta/src/components/BlogRoll.js 62:9 error Cannot query field"allMarkdownRemark" on type "Query" graphql/template-strings✖ 1 problem (1 error, 0 warnings)File: src/components/BlogRoll.js

( )

Gatsby's show the process that it uses to create pages from Markdown files:

Gatsby的“ 显示了其用于从Markdown文件创建页面的过程:

  1. Read files into Gatsby from the filesystem

  2. Transform Markdown to HTML and frontmatter to data

  3. Add a Markdown file

  4. Create a page component for the Markdown files

  5. Create static pages using Gatsby's Node.js createPage() API

    使用Gatsby的Node.js createPage() API创建静态页面

Install a couple of Gatsby plugins to make this happen.


npm i gatsby-source-filesystem gatsby-transformer-remark

Then configure them in gatsby-config.js:


module.exports = {
plugins: [ `gatsby-plugin-netlify-cms`, {
resolve: `gatsby-source-filesystem`, options: {
path: `${
__dirname}/blog`, name: `markdown-pages`, }, }, `gatsby-transformer-remark` ]}

Restart everything and you'll be able to see your blog posts at /blogs.


However, if you try to navigate into a blog, it doesn't work because you didn't tell Gatsby to generate pages for each one.


( )

Create a gatsby-node.js in the root directory of your project and add code to create a static page for each blog.


const path = require(`path`);exports.createPages = async ({
actions, graphql, reporter}) => {
const {
createPage} = actions; const blogPostTemplate = path.resolve(`src/templates/blog.js`); const result = await graphql(`{ allMarkdownRemark( sort: { order: DESC, fields: [frontmatter___date] } limit: 1000 ) { edges { node { frontmatter { path } } } } }`); // Handle errors if (result.errors) {
reporter.panicOnBuild(`Error while running GraphQL query.`); return } result.data.allMarkdownRemark.edges.forEach(({
node}) => {
path: node.frontmatter.path, component: blogPostTemplate, context: {
}, // additional data can be passed via context }) }) };

You might notice this JavaScript code uses a template at src/templates/blog.js. Create this file with the following code in it.

您可能会注意到此JavaScript代码在src/templates/blog.js使用了模板。 使用以下代码创建该文件。

import React from "react"import {
graphql } from "gatsby"export default function Template({
data, // this prop will be injected by the GraphQL query below.}) {
const {
markdownRemark } = data // data.markdownRemark holds your post data const {
frontmatter, html } = markdownRemark return (



)}export const pageQuery = graphql`query($path: String!) { markdownRemark(frontmatter: { path: { eq: $path } }) { html frontmatter { date(formatString: "MMMM DD, YYYY") path title } } }`

Restart your app to see Markdown rendering properly!


Commit your changes and verify everything works in production.


git add .git commit -m "Add /blog and Markdown support"git push origin master

( )

Add an Account section for your site by creating a file at src/pages/account.js.


import React from 'react'import {
Router } from '@reach/router'import {
Link } from 'gatsby'const Home = () =>


;const Settings = () =>


;const Account = () => {
return ( <>

My Account

) };export default Account

Add a link to the account page in src/pages/index.js:


import React from 'react'import {
Link } from 'gatsby'export default () => {
return ( <> Hello world!

View Blog

My Account


Since this section will have dynamic content that shouldn't be rendered statically, you need to exclude it from the build. Add the following JavaScript to the bottom of gatsby-node.js to indicate that /account is a client-only route.

由于本节将包含不应静态呈现的动态内容,因此您需要将其从构建中排除。 在gatsby-node.js的底部添加以下JavaScript,以表明/account是仅客户端的路由。

exports.onCreatePage = async ({
page, actions }) => {
const {
createPage } = actions; if (page.path.match(/^\/account/)) {
page.matchPath = "/account/*"; createPage(page) }};

Restart with npm start and you should be able to navigate to this new section.

通过npm start重新npm start ,您应该能够导航到这个新部分。

( )

To begin with Okta, you'll need to register your app, just like you did with GitHub. and navigate to Applications > Add Application.

要开始使用Okta,您需要注册您的应用程序,就像使用GitHub一样。 ,然后导航至“ 应用程序” >“ 添加应用程序”

  • Choose Single-Page App and Next

    选择 页应用程序然后单击下一步
  • Enter a name like Gatsby Account

    输入类似Gatsby Account的名称
  • Specify the following Login redirect URIs:
    • http://localhost:8000/account
    • http://localhost:9000/account
    • https://<your-site>.netlify.com/account

    • http://localhost:8000/account
    • http://localhost:9000/account
    • https://<your-site>.netlify.com/account
  • Specify the following Logout redirect URIs:
    • http://localhost:8000
    • http://localhost:9000
    • https://<your-site>.netlify.com

    • http://localhost:8000
    • http://localhost:9000
    • https://<your-site>.netlify.com
  • Click Done


Your Okta application settings should resemble the screenshot below.


为盖茨比网站添加可信来源 (Add Trusted Origins for Your Gatsby Sites)

Gatsby can run on two different ports (8000 and 9000) locally. One is for development and one is for production (invoked with gatsby build and gatsby serve). You also have your production Netlify site. Add all of these as Trusted Origins in API > Trusted Origins.

Gatsby可以在本地两个不同的端口(8000和9000)上运行。 一种是用于开发,另一种是用于生产(使用gatsby buildgatsby serve调用)。 您也有您的生产Netlify网站。 将所有这些都添加为API > Trusted Origins中的Trusted Origins

Click Add Origin, select CORS and Redirect for Type, and add each of the following:

单击“ 添加来源” ,选择“ CORS”和“ 重定向”作为“类型”,然后添加以下各项:

  • http://localhost:8000

  • http://localhost:9000

  • https://<your-site>.netlify.com


When you're finished, your screen should resemble the following.


( )

Install Okta's Sign-In Widget:


npm i @okta/okta-signin-widget@3.6.0

Create a Login component in src/components/Login.js:


import OktaSignIn from '@okta/okta-signin-widget';import '@okta/okta-signin-widget/dist/css/okta-sign-in.min.css';import React from 'react';const config = {
baseUrl: '
', clientId: '
', logo: '//logo.clearbit.com/gatsbyjs.org', redirectUri: typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.location.origin + '/account', el: '#signIn', authParams: {
pkce: true, responseType: ['token', 'id_token'] }};export const signIn = typeof window !== 'undefined' && new OktaSignIn(config);export default class Login extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
super(props); this.state = {
user: false }; this.signIn = signIn; } async componentDidMount() {
const authClient = this.signIn.authClient; const session = await authClient.session.get(); console.log('session.status', session.status); // Session exists, show logged in state. if (session.status === 'ACTIVE') {
// clear parameters from browser window window.location.hash = ''; // set username in state this.setState({
user: session.login}); localStorage.setItem('isAuthenticated', 'true'); // get access and ID tokens authClient.token.getWithoutPrompt({
scopes: ['openid', 'email', 'profile'], }).then((tokens) => {
tokens.forEach(token => {
if (token.idToken) {
authClient.tokenManager.add('idToken', token); } if (token.accessToken) {
authClient.tokenManager.add('accessToken', token); } }); // Say hello to the person who just signed in authClient.tokenManager.get('idToken').then(idToken => {
console.log(`Hello, ${
idToken.claims.name} (${
idToken.claims.email})`); window.location.reload(); }); }).catch(error => console.error(error)); return; } else {
this.signIn.remove(); } this.signIn.renderEl({
el: '#signIn'}) } render() {
return (
) }}

Replace the placeholders near the top of this file with your Okta app settings.


const config = {
baseUrl: '
', clientId: '
', ...};

For example:


const config = {
baseUrl: 'https://dev-133320.okta.com', clientId: '0oa2ee3nvkHIe8vzX357', ...};

Modify src/pages/account.js to include an Account component that uses Login to get ID tokens and logout.


import React from 'react'import {
navigate, Router } from '@reach/router'import {
Link } from 'gatsby'import Login, {
signIn } from '../components/Login'const Home = () =>

Account Information

;const Settings = () =>


;const isAuthenticated = () => {
if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
return localStorage.getItem('isAuthenticated') === 'true'; } else {
return false; }};class Account extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
super(props); this.state = {
user: false}; this.logout = this.logout.bind(this); } async componentDidMount() {
const token = await signIn.authClient.tokenManager.get('idToken'); if (token) {
user: token.claims.name}); } else {
// Token has expired this.setState({
user: false}); localStorage.setItem('isAuthenticated', 'false'); } } logout() {
signIn.authClient.signOut().catch((error) => {
console.error('Sign out error: ' + error) }).then(() => {
localStorage.setItem('isAuthenticated', 'false'); this.setState({
user: false}); navigate('/'); }); } render() {
if (!isAuthenticated()) {
return (
); } return ( <>

My Account

Welcome, {


) }}export default Account

Restart your app with npm start, open http://localhost:8000 in a private window, and click on My Account. You'll be prompted to log in.

使用npm start重新启动您的应用npm start ,在一个私有窗口中打开http://localhost:8000 ,然后单击我的帐户 。 系统将提示您登录。

Enter your credentials and click Sign In to browse the account section. You should also see your name and be able to logout.

输入您的凭据,然后单击登录以浏览帐户部分。 您还应该看到您的名字并能够注销。

( )

To test building your app for production, run gatsby build. You'll get an error because Okta's Sign-In Widget doesn't expect to be compiled for server-side rendering.

要测试构建用于生产的应用程序,请运行gatsby build 。 您会收到错误消息,因为Okta的Sign-In Widget不希望被编译用于服务器端渲染。

failed Building static HTMLfor pages - 1.730sERROR #95312"window" is not available during server side rendering.See our docs page for more info on this error: https://gatsby.dev/debug-html 12 | 13 | (function (){
> 14 | var isChrome = 'chrome' in window && window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Edge') < 0; | ^ 15 | if ('u2f' in window || !isChrome) {
16 | return; 17 | } WebpackError: ReferenceError: window is not defined - u2f-api-polyfill.js:14 node_modules/u2f-api-polyfill/u2f-api-polyfill.js:14:1 - u2f-api-polyfill.js:754 Object../node_modules/u2f-api-polyfill/u2f-api-polyfill.js node_modules/u2f-api-polyfill/u2f-api-polyfill.js:754:2 - okta-sign-in.entry.js:3 webpackUniversalModuleDefinition node_modules/@okta/okta-signin-widget/dist/js/okta-sign-in.entry.js:3:104 - okta-sign-in.entry.js:10 Object../node_modules/@okta/okta-signin-widget/dist/js/okta-sign-in.entry.js node_modules/@okta/okta-signin-widget/dist/js/okta-sign-in.entry.js:10:2 - Login.js:1 Module../src/components/Login.js src/components/Login.js:1:1 - account.js:1 Module../src/pages/account.js src/pages/account.js:1:1

To fix this, you can exclude it from the compilation process. Modify the webpack build to exclude it from compilation by configuring webpack. Add the JavaScript below to the bottom of gatsby-node.js.

要解决此问题,可以将其从编译过程中排除。 通过配置webpack来修改webpack构建以将其从编译中排除。 将以下JavaScript添加到gatsby-node.js的底部。

exports.onCreateWebpackConfig = ({
stage, loaders, actions }) => {
if (stage === 'build-html') {
// Exclude Sign-In Widget from compilation path actions.setWebpackConfig({
module: {
rules: [ {
test: /okta-sign-in/, use: loaders.null(), } ], }, }) }};

Try gatsby build again and it should work this time. Run gatsby serve to see if the production build works on http://localhost:9000. Rejoice when it does!

再次尝试gatsby build ,这次应该可以使用了。 运行gatsby serve来查看生产版本是否可以在http://localhost:9000 。 当它高兴时!

( )

To give people the ability to sign-up for accounts, go to your Okta dashboard > Users > Registration, and enable it.

要使人们能够注册帐户,请转到Okta信息中心> 用户 > 注册并启用它。

Modify src/components/Login.js to add Okta's user registration feature.


const config = {
... authParams: {
pkce: true, responseType: ['token', 'id_token'] }, features: {
registration: true }};

Then build for production and serve it up again.


gatsby buildgatsby serve

You will now see a Sign Up link at the bottom of the login form.

现在,您将在登录表单的底部看到一个“ 注册”链接。

Click the link to see the user registration form.


Hooray - you did it! Check in your code and rejoice in your new-found knowledge. 🥳

万岁-您做到了! 签入您的代码,并以新发现的知识为乐。 🥳

扩展您的盖茨比帐户功能 (Extend Your Gatsby Account Functionality)

Armed with Okta for authentication, you could develop features in the account settings of your application. For example, a setting where people can sign up for a newsletter (e.g., with ). You could store this setting in Okta by creating a Node app that uses the to update user attributes.

借助Okta进行身份验证,您可以在应用程序的帐户设置中开发功能。 例如,人们可以注册新闻通讯的设置(例如,使用 )。 您可以通过创建使用更新用户属性的Node应用程序将该设置存储在Okta中。

In fact, you might even develop a Java or .NET backend to handle this and communicate to it from your Gatsby application using fetch() and an OAuth 2.0 access token retrieved from the Sign-In Widget.

实际上,您甚至可以开发Java或.NET后端来处理此问题,并使用fetch()和从“登录”小部件中检索到的OAuth 2.0访问令牌从Gatsby应用程序与其通信。

async componentDidMount() {
try {
const response = await fetch('http://
/user/settings', {
headers: {
Authorization: 'Bearer ' + await signIn.authClient.tokenManager.get('accessToken') } }); const data = await response.json(); this.setState({
settings: data.settings }); } catch (err) {
// handle error as needed console.error(err); }}

( )

Phew! This tutorial packed a punch! 💥👊

! 本教程是一拳! 💥👊

You learned how to build a new site with Gatsby, automate its deployment with Netlify, integrate Gatsby with Netlify CMS, process Markdown files, store your files in Git, and use Okta for authentication. Okta leverages OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect for its developer APIs. They're awesome!

您学习了如何使用Gatsby构建新站点,如何使用Netlify自动化其部署,如何将Gatsby与Netlify CMS集成,处理Markdown文件,将文件存储在Git中以及如何使用Okta进行身份验证。 Okta将OAuth 2.0和OpenID Connect用于其开发人员API。 他们很棒!

You can find the source code for this example on GitHub in the repository.


If you want to make your Gatsby site even more secure, you can use the as it adds a bunch of basic security headers. After installing, configuring, and deploying, you can test your site's security with .

如果您想使Gatsby网站更加安全,可以使用因为它添加了一堆基本的安全标头。 安装,配置和部署后,您可以使用测试站点的安全 。

I learned a bunch about Gatsby and authentication from and in their video.

我从和的“通过视频中学到了很多有关盖茨比和身份验证的 。

was extremely helpful in writing this post, as was the .


To see how the Okta Sign-In Widget can be customized, check out .

要查看如何自定义Okta登录小部件,请访问 。

To learn more about Netlify, React, OAuth 2.0, and OIDC, I recommend some of our other blog posts:

要了解有关Netlify,React,OAuth 2.0和OIDC的更多信息,我推荐一些其他博客文章:

If you liked this tutorial, please follow . We also like to do screencasts and post them to our . If you have any questions, I'd be happy to answer them in the comments below. 🙂

如果您喜欢本教程,请关注 。 我们还喜欢进行截屏视频并将其发布到我们的 。 如果您有任何疑问,我们很乐意在下面的评论中回答。 🙂




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